Monday, November 30, 2009

Diggin for Gold

Here is a post that I forgot about. We went to Bendigo a few weekends ago. Bendigo is a town a little over an hour from Melbourne. We rode the tram and learned about some Bendigo history. The town was formed in the late 1800's when thousands of people rushed there to dig for gold.
View of the gold mine.
Josh and Sam did find some miniscule particles of gold, they were very excited:)
The tour wouldn't be half as interesting if this guy shaved his beard.
Little gold miners. Rosie was pretty well behaved for the hour long tour under ground.
Forget the gold dust, where are the nuggets?

1 comment:

  1. How fun! You look beautiful as always!:) Miss you guys and hope you have a very Merry Christmas. If you are missing winter, just check out our blog and our snow...we have more than what is even posted!:) Hope you enjoyed your time with Eleanore. Also, keep us posted on how things pan out with the jobs. Love to you all, E
